Lesson 5a - bolt-s or tall-s: Hieroglyph Tutor

Lesson 5a - bolt-s (door bolt) or tall-s (folded cloth), s

The seventeenth uni-literal hieroglyph is called the bolt-s.

It depicts a door bolt.

In Manuel de Codage, type a small s to represent this sign in Middle Egyptian.

Note: In Middle Egyptian, this sign is pronounced "s." In the earlier Old Egyptian, it was probably pronounced closer to "z." Thus, in Middle Egyptian, it is transliterated s, and in Old Egyptian, it is transliterated z. Be aware that some Egyptian dictionaries distinguish between the two signs, with z coming before s (sometimes written as ś).


Another second sign pronouncd "s," in Middle Egyptian is called the tall-s.

For memorizing the order of the alphabet, include it with the previous "s," keeping in mind the two ways of writing this letter.

It depicts a folded cloth.

In Manuel de Codage, type a small s, like the previous sign, to represent this sign in Middle Egyptian.

Refer to Study Tips, if necessary.

When you feel confident that you have memorized this sign, go on to the next hieroglyph: Lesson 5b - shin